Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1 - Monday

Well this was a pathetic start!
I overslept to 10:00 and rushed out for my morning power walk.

Then I ate my breakfast, which consisted of a tuna cans, an avocado and a hardboiled egg.
I have an exam on Saturday and will be working a lot this week so I did my cardio workout at lunsh so I have plenty of time to study this afternoon.
But what bad shape I'm in! I could hardly lift one foot in front of the other without having to stop and pant. For me to get any exercise at all, I ran as fast as I could as soon as there was an uphill.
There is not much to say, just that I have to do better on Wednesday!

now im gonna hit the books!
Keep it real keep it slim, see you tomorrow

How to live to be 100+

A very interesting
video about why people in some parts of the world live longer than others. Would not it be cool to be over a hundred years

In Sweden
where I come from, the average life expectancy for men 79 years. Women tend to live longer, until they are 83 years. I would not mind to live 21 years longer than I should. That's my plan

Now I'm
heading out to run my 6.6 km / 4.1 Miles. Maybe I earn a few minutes of life?!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fluffed Baked Cod

Preparation Time 30 minutes
Total Cooking Time 40 minutes

400-500 gram/ 1 pound of Cod or Pollock
1 Carrot
1 Onion
2 Bay Leafs
0,5l / 2 cup of Fish Stock
2dl / 1cup of White Wine
A pinch of Salt
A pinch of Pepper
3 Eggs 
Vegetable Oil for frying

Side dish

2dl / 1cup of Creme Fraiche
1msk / 0,5 fluid ounce of Tomato Puré
0,5 msk/ 0,25 fluid ounce of Mustard
A tad of the Fish Stock
A pinch of Salt
A pinch of Pepper
A bundle of Dill

  1. Set the oven to 200 C / 400 F
  2. Dice the carrot and onion and fry it in a pot  with some oil until the onion is transparent
  3. Add the wine and fish stock and let it boil for a couple of minutes
  4. Put the fish in the pot and pour some water so it covers the fish and let it boil for 7-10 minutes
  5. When the fish is done, put it in a mixing bowl and start to mash it with a fork.
  6. Add a table spoon or two of the fish stock
  7. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and mix the white into a thick foam.
  8. Mix the yolks with the fish and seasoning it with salt and white pepper
  9. Stir the egg white foam gently into the fish paste so you don't push out the air from the foam.
  10. Put the paste into a oven vessel and cook it in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes or when its golden

Side dish
  1. Wrap the bacon around the asparagus and fry it in a cookingpan   

  1. Chop the Dill
  2. Mix al the ingredients and serve it cold.

Day 0 - The Weigh-In

Sundays is going to be the most fun days, because sundays is the time for my weigh-in, measurement of my body, and design of the workouts and meals for the week ahed. 

So this is how i look now:

Weight: 80kg/176,3Pounds
Waist: 79 cm/31,1 Inches
Belly: 91 cm/35,8 Inches
Chest: 93 cm/36,6 Inches
Biceps (while flexing): 33 cm/12,9 Inches


The workout plan for the week ahead:

  •  3Km/1,8Miles power walk, every morning before breakfast, just to get a good start of the day.
  • My goal is to run 20Km/12,5Miles this week just to get a slow start, i haven't trained cardio for such a long time so i don't want to strain myself my first week. Im going to run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, which will give the result of   6.66Km/4,1Miles per run.

Im going to use Nike+, its a good application that is built in on my iPhone, and it also calculates the amount of calories i will burn.

Here I will start slow as well. And on my first week i will only lift weight 3 days. And this weeks workout will occur on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

On the first month I'm just going to focus on building up my lost strength. And because of the time laps between workout this week, I'm going to focus on my whole body every workout session. This will change when I increase the pace. I will also go more deeply into the session after each workout but for now this will do:

Reps  10
Sets  3
Load  Challenging
Focus areas:

I'm one of those maniacs who believe that the carbs are the reason of the unhealthiness in this world. Although I'm not particularly fond of the food fascism programs out in the market today that totally bans carbs in the diet, it is actually a very good way to loose those extra kilos in the beginning of my program.

Shortly, if the body isn't busy digesting carbs its easier for the body to burn fat, as its design to do. So for the first month i will not eat, potatoes, rice, grains, pasta or any food with a high carb level. Of course this will include sweets and sugar.

"how on earth can you prepare a dish without carbs?" this one is easy, you just have to change the way that you look at the meal. A piece of meat works perfectly fine without potatoes if you have a nice gravy and salad, you will see. The last time I went on a low carb diet i lost 10kg/22pounds in just two weeks!

After this moth I will increase my carb intake slightly, its still going to be low, but Im not gonna say no to a potato. In every weight loss philosophy the main goal is that the intake should be smaller than what the body burns.

Keep it real, keep it slim, see you tomorrow/Sebastian

The Last Supper

Enough is enough!

My name is Sebastian Öhman and all my life I've been blessed with the gift of a very fast metabolism. I have also always been very active, and practiced karate four to five times a week.

Sadly, two years ago, my gall bladder broke, and before the doctors had found the problem, I could not leave my apartment. For two years I was trapped inside my body, and on top of it all,  my metabolism said "goodbye" the year I turned 23. I sat there in my sofa, untrained and bloated.

But as I said: Enough is enough! I'm finally healthy and fit for fight and I have more energy now than ever. So now I will make a change with my life, and with my body. I'm going to use this blog as a training diary (like so many other blogs out there) where you can follow my journey from bloated to my old self again.

I also have a great cooking interest, so will share my recipes. My food philosophy is, and has always been, "If the food isn't tasty, i will not eat it". So you definitely do not find, either buckwheat or wholemeal dishes in this blog, i promise.

It's probably wise for me to go to bed now so I can start my new life in full effect.
Keep it real, keep it slim, see you tomorrow.
/ Sebastian